Getting the CEA license is definitely not the toughest part of a Real Estate Salesperson. Becoming successful and making sustainable revenue is hard work, and it requires a substantial commitment of time and effort Not sure if this industry suits you? Check out our...
One of the most common questions I usually received when recruiting, “Jen, is Real Estate Industry very saturated today?”. Well, here you go! Singapore, small as we are, but we refused to accept this as our fate. Imagine there are more than 50 over new launches in...
Over the decades I have heard questions like, “But I don’t drive, so most probably I can’t fit into the industry”. I beg to differ. Flamboyant cars and branded wears are an overhype in-fact. Many of your top 10 producers or even division directors didn’t have the...
Why Real Estate Salesperson should not focus on selling the sales value, but on client’s success instead? No one likes to be sold. The resistances are formed when the intention of sales exist. Should you have stand in the perspective of your clients to understand what...
Staying positive in real estate business “Positivity to me is, even if I fail today, that’s alright. I’m going to pick myself up and do it better tomorrow.” “Positivity means sharing with people around me.” “Positivity makes me a better person.” Jen Tan, from Propnex,...
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