Most moms with young children dream of being able to stay home, while staying
actively professionally. But what’s the possibility?
A lot of answers to these questions depend on your personality and professionalism.
If you’re a motivated mom with a serious desire to work a flexible job, the real estate
is tailor made for you.
Checkout our Top 5 Reasons Why Real Estate Industry Is Made For Moms.
My name is Jen Tan, and like most of you, I’m a mother to my 2 teenage boys. I’ve
been working actively in the industry for more than 2 decades. It has been a
rewarding journey for myself and my family. Today as my kids have both grown up, I
am thankful for this career. The exposure, interpersonal growth and commitments to
my family has never been compromised.
Wanna find out more about how a mother deals with 2 boys & a growing division?
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